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An Ecosystem of Health Disparities and Minority Health Resources

About the 5-Year Rate Changes Graph


This graph provides a quick look at which causes of death have rising rates and which have falling rates over the most recent 5 years of data. The Historical Trends graph can be used to look at the trends in rates. The trends are available for All Races, American-Indians/Alaskan Natives, Asian Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanic/Latinos, Whites, White Hispanic/Latinos, and White Non-Hispanic/Latinos.

Statistics require careful interpretation. See the information page about interpret rankings for insight into interpreting statistics particularly if you are a new user of statistics.

Note that a modest percent change in a more common cause of death will have a greater impact on the overall burden than a larger percent change in a more rare cause of death.

The average annual percent change can be applied to either the rate or to the count in order to provide a rough estimate for planning purposes. For example, if the annual percent change is minus 1% and there are 500 deaths per year then it can be estimated that there will be 5 fewer deaths next year assuming the trend continues. Like compound interest, more accurate estimates require more sophisticated methods and work is in process to provide projections.

Data Sources:

Picture of a 5 Year Rate Change bar graph Picture of the table version of a 5 Year Rate Change bar graph

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