About the Death Rates Table
Provide a table of mortality statistics for use in assessing the burden and risk for a major cause of death for the US overall or for a selected state and its counties or parishes. The Healthy People 2020 objective for the US is provided in order to give perspective on how favorably or unfavorably a location compares to this overall goal. The 95% Confidence Intervals for the rates and trends provide a measure of how certain or uncertain the point estimates are and can be used to generally assess how different a rate or trend is from another.
Statistics require careful interpretation. See the information page about interpret rankings for insight into interpreting statistics particularly if you are a new user of statistics.
Data Sources
- Mortality data are provided by the National Vital Statistics System
at the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Population counts for denominators are based on Census populations as modified by NCI.
- Rates are calculated using SEER*Stat
- Trends are determined by using Joinpoint
analysis of available historical data and reporting the last segment as the most recent trend.