About the Screening and Risk Factors Table
State Single-Year Estimates
Shows data at the state level related to a number of screening and risk factors associated with disease in terms of percent and the sample survey size. The data for this table is from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System Summary Prevalence Report and is compared to the Healthy People 2020
target values. You can sort the data on the table by State name and percent value.
County Level Modeled Estimates
This table gives county-level estimates for screening and risk factors associated with disease.
The estimates in this table combine two surveys:
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Combining the two surveys means:
- Better estimates for states and large counties, because NHIS is used to adjust BRFSS results for response rate and selection bias. Telephone surveys, like BRFSS, tend to have low response rates and don't cover households without landline telephones.
- Estimates for small counties, made possible by supplementing the responses from those counties with responses from similar places. These estimates also benefit from the bias adjustment mentioned above.
Data for prior years and details about the methods used to combine the surveys can be found on the Small Area Estimates web site https://sae.cancer.gov).
Other Sources of Smoking Data:
- American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation (http://no-smoke.org
- Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS
). Detailed information about survey questions can be found here.